
Updates from Los Angeles

LA City Council Paves Way for 89 Small Lot Homes

The LA City Council voted to approve 89 small lot homes vesting tentative tract maps for each of 9 different developments. The council also vested tentative tract maps for a number of proposed condominium developments. Small lot subdivisions have been a large boon to developers looking to transform small infill lots into single family housing. That said, critics note that small lot subdivisions often fall short of the maximum density permitted on a site, limiting the impact this form of new housing has on the housing shortage. One reason maximum density cannot be achieved is restrictive requirements within the Small Lot subdivision code that give architects and developers relatively little freedom over site layout. The fire access requirements also limit the potential for this building typography.

While the Small Lot subdivision ordinance is relatively new, continued reforms are necessary to incentivize small, owner occupied housing. A new report found that streamlining this type of housing would have a greater impact on Los Angeles than large multifamily buildings.

Contact Bob Burke & Company for advise and suggestions on how to make your small lot subdivision its most profitable!

Taylor Francis